Tuesday, April 26

This Old House

Starting in early February, I have been extremely blessed to be able to add on a bit of space to the back of my house. My daughter will very shortly have her own bedroom and a little bit of breathing room away from her little brother. Of course, he's also about to have his own room too, and some breathing room from his big sister :) My dining nook is no more. It's now a really truly dining room. And with as much as I love to cook, I cannot wait to be able to entertain. I've been taking pictures throughout this whole process, and wanted to share just a few now that things are finally almost done. These are just a few, I'll put more up when everything is totally done. :) 

Saturday, April 2

I got (two) wheels!

My bike is back in action, for the first time in about fifteen years. I figured it must be pretty easy to get back in the mode, like the saying says: "It's just like riding a bike!" And true to form, it didn't take long at all to remember the nuances of maintaining my balance on top of a thin metal frame.
Tennessee has some beautiful spring days, windy but cool still. They're just perfect for riding through the neighborhood, stopping off for a quick bite, then rolling on back home.
Ok. Enough talk. I'm ready to get back out there and enjoy this weather.

And, yes mom, I'm wearing my helmet. :)

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