Session 1: June 3-7
Session 2: June 10-14
10-12 time slot is 1-4 pm
7-9 time slot is 9-12 am
13-16 (possibly add a week in July if there is enough interest
Time spent being creative is sorely lacking for kids these days in school. During my 5-day workshops, kids will spend time doing just this. By stretching their brains through fun free-writing exercises and learning some storytelling techniques they will work towards constructing a completed story. All genres are open for exploration, as kids are free to create a fairy tale or a superhero story, or maybe mystery is more up their alley. Fans of comic books are always welcome too, as this is a wonderful medium to utilize in sharing stories. Creative writing skills are incredibly beneficial as kids approach high school and college, but unfortunately they just aren’t given enough time to nurture this at school. These workshops will hopefully plant seeds of creativity within these children’s minds that they can carry with them throughout the other parts of their lives.
Day 1: Introductions
Free-Writing Exercises
Where do Stories Come From?
What Kind of Story Do You Want to
Day 2: Free-Writing Exercise
Plot (Beginning, Middle, End)
Mapping Out A Story
Day 3: Free-Writing Exercise
Character Exercise
Finished First Draft
Day 4: Free-Writing Exercise
Getting Help From Friends (Small
Workshop Experience)
Revising Your Work (Getting it
Ready for the Press!)
5: Free Writing Exercise
Sharing Your Finished Work
(reading works out loud)
$150 per student
*Price includes drinks and snacks
for each day of class, plus the printing costs of the story that they complete
during the workshop, which will be presented to them on the last day in book
form. We won’t take official meal breaks during the sessions, so I will make
sure to provide plenty of healthy snacks to keep them going until their
sessions are over.

Home Economics Workshop
Session 1: July 1-5
**ages 7-12
Session 2: July 15-19
**ages 9-15
There are endless amounts of skills to be learned through time spent in the kitchen. Basic chemistry principles can be explained while constructing a delicious cake. Math basics, such as fractions, can be experienced hands on while measuring ingredients for a yummy meal. Also, just knowing how to properly handle ingredients and utensils in the kitchen gives children confidence as they grow in independence. During this 5-day workshop, we will have lots of fun learning, cooking and eating some delicious and healthy recipes. Any recipes we work on during the week will get sent home on Friday in a binder, along with cooking tips, so they can continue their food fun after the workshop is over. Plus what parent wouldn’t love a kid being able to help them out in the kitchen.
Session 2: July 15-19
**ages 9-15
There are endless amounts of skills to be learned through time spent in the kitchen. Basic chemistry principles can be explained while constructing a delicious cake. Math basics, such as fractions, can be experienced hands on while measuring ingredients for a yummy meal. Also, just knowing how to properly handle ingredients and utensils in the kitchen gives children confidence as they grow in independence. During this 5-day workshop, we will have lots of fun learning, cooking and eating some delicious and healthy recipes. Any recipes we work on during the week will get sent home on Friday in a binder, along with cooking tips, so they can continue their food fun after the workshop is over. Plus what parent wouldn’t love a kid being able to help them out in the kitchen.
Day 1: Introductions
Kitchen Safety Basics
The Parts of a Recipe
“In Season” Pasta
Day 2: Breakfast:
Fun with Eggs
Fraction Muffins
Day 3: Lunch:
Getting healthy energy mid-day
Sandwich vs. Salad, Fries vs.
4: Dinner:
Fourth of July Cooking!
How does heat affect our food?
(Oven vs. Grill)
Day 5: Dessert:
The Chemistry of the Cake
Last Day Party!
$200 a child (second child discount available)
**Price includes all ingredients
and supplies for our cooking projects each day which we will eat for our lunch
break, as well as a printed reference companion of the recipes and skills we
worked on each day. I work with fresh, local and organic ingredients whenever I

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